Vincy author Cheryl King: Reflection on ‘national heroes’



by Nelson A. King in New York 23.NOV.07

A Vincentian author in the United States has urged her compatriots to seriously reflect on the role played by their “national heroes” in order to “fully appreciate the significance of independence.”

Delivering the keynote address, during independence celebrations on November 3, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cheryl L.A. King, author of “Michael Manley & Democratic Socialism: Political Leadership and Ideology in Jamaica,” said whenever reference is made about civilizations, it conjures up images of the late Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi.

“When asked what he thought about western civilization, [he] said, ‘it is a good idea,’” said King, who works at the library at Drew University in Madison, N.J., about Ghandi, alluding also to St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2007 independence anniversary theme, “28 Years as a Nation: Building a Modern Civilization.”

“But before we could do that, we have to first recollect where we are coming from in our history,” added King, speaking on the topic, “The Road to Independence in St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” at the gala independence dinner, organized by the St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ Organization of Pennsylvania.

“We have to go back to pre-colonial times and colonial times to fully appreciate the significance of independence,” she continued.

Starting with the only official national hero, Paramount Carib Chief Joseph Chatoyer, King, co-editor of “Search for Identity: Essays on St. Vincent and the Grenadines” and “Quest For Caribbean Unity: Beyond Colonialism,” said the road to independence in her native land “has not always been a smooth one.”

“‘He struggled to prevent European penetration and to maintain the sovereignty of this country [St. Vincent and the Grenadines] and later on to recover its independence,’” she said about Chatoyer, quoting from the booklet, “Chatoyer,” written by Vincentian historian, Dr. Adrian Fraser.

“‘The fact that he was able to do so with military technology that was inferior to that of the Europeans speaks well for his spirit, confidence and intelligence,’” added the former Girls High School student.

“‘He has lessons to teach us today, that all is not lost, and small size does not necessarily translate into subjugation,’” she continued. “Our challenges today are different ones, but we will be able to stand up to them if we understand Chatoyer and become inspired by his spirit, determination and strength.”

Chatoyer, who died on March 14, 1795, during the Second Carib War against the British, was not named National Hero until March 14, 2002, under the Order of National Heroes Act, 2002.

King pointed to George McIntosh, George Hamilton Charles, Ebenezer Theodore Joshua, James Mitchell (“briefly”) and Robert Milton Cato, as local political figures who, she said, were “instrumental on the road to independence of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.”

“These are [were] the political leaders who, in their own way, laid down the ground work for political independence in the modern era,” she said.

“Now, the challenge remains up to us to move forward positively,” she added.

Cheryl King also writes the following:


  Hope that you are all doing well. Happy New Church Year-sing out those Advent Hymns !!! We are so grateful to God that the recent earthquake in SVG 7.3 on the Richter scale last Thursday 11/29/07 did not create more havoc.



We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Congratulations to Dr. Christian Stephens and his wife Joan whose children Yola, Kharyl & Tanya surprised them with a fantastic 35th wedding anniversary celebration in Montreal on 11/24/07. It was so good to see so many of you there. As always, at these gatherings the Villagers go into retro mode. I am forwarding a message from Grace Toney Stephens sent last year that should get you all there. We are so fortunate to have memories that leave us filled with laughter and joy. What a blessing !!! It is a gift.



  I have received word from Fr. Regisford/ Canon Huggins that St.Paul's is planning to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ordination of Canon Hoskins Huggins to the Priesthood in July 2008- the 27th or the 28th. Fr Regisford has stated that " The Villagers will no dobut be interested in this."

I had previously mentioned this time last year some historical Huggins information. I am forwarding again in case the planners find it helpful.



"Cheryl King"                                                 

11/27/06 10:59  PM                                     


 Subject :   Villagers Update: November 2006-Happy Thanksgiving, Huggins,stained glass  

                   window, BBC                      


Hope that you are all doing well and that those of you in the USA had a wonderful Thanksgiving on Thursday,11/23/06. We have so much for which to be thankful, not the least of which is our enduring friendship, thank God. Those of you in SVG hope that your harvests and cantatas went well.


I came across this Huggins family history information and wanted to share it with you especiallly since the Villagers would like to help with the restoration of the stained glass windows at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Calliaqua. If you would like to make a contribution, please make out a check to: St.Paul's Anglican Church and send to: St.Paul's Anglican Church, c/o Ven. Dr. Sylvanus Regisford, P.O.Box 483, St.

Vincent & the Grenadines. Please specify that it is for this purpose so that a record of the Villagers' contributions can be kept by St.Paul's.



It would appear that Fr. Huggins and the late Sir George Frederick Huggins mentioned below were related.

Fr. Regisford, please share this info. with Fr. Huggins and the Huggins family and verify. Thanks. It would appear that the Dr. Huggins referred to below is the same person in whose memory one of the stained glass windows at St.Paul's was given.




Sir George Frederick HUGGINS, born in 1869 - 1870, died at the Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA. Father was a businessman, grandfather was a physician (both in St. Vincent). Moved to Trinidad soon after his marriage, was buried in Woodlands Cemetery in West Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Funeral held in the Chestnut Hill home of his cousin, George A. HUGGINS.


New York Times

Date 08 June 1941


See:St.Paul's website under "Items of Interest"

Members Appreciation Sunday:

I looked up at the stained glass window behind the high altar in memory of David Huggins and I was reminded that the Huggins of Golden Vale has been closely associated with St. Paul's down the years.  The land on which the church stands was donated by them with surrounding glebe.  The church was largely built by their support and a member of the family The Reverend Canon Nelson Horation Huggins was Rector.  So I am not the first of the Huggins clan from Calliaqua, to be so much involved in the church.

Canon Hoskins Huggins-2005


Villagers Update 12/18/06


 Hope that you are all doing well and thanks for your recent e-mails .


I share with you some of the follow- up information that I have received re topics that I have previously mentioned to you. I have been informed that one of the stained glass windows at St. Paul's, Calliaqua , which needs to be repaired and for which we are asking  for your contributions was given in the memory of Daniel Huggins and that his wife was Lucy. Sir George F. Huggins was the brother of William Huggins, who was the father of Father Hoskins Huggins, Marie, Hobbs, Sutty, Douglas  and owned Golden Vale Estate. George F. Huggins and Company still exists in Grenada and in Trinidad, where the firm was started. William and George were sons of Daniel. Thanks, Ulric & Squits.


From:       "Alfred Huggins" <

Date:       1/3/2007 1:42 PM

Subject:    hi


I was forwarded a copy of villagers update (Nov-Dec) Huggins History, There is a correction I must point out.

Daniel Huggins was the Grand Father of William and George.


Alfred (Sutty) Huggins 



From: Friday, Ancilla (

Sent:Mon 11/26/07 5:00 PM

Club St. Vincent's New Year's Eve Ball at Africa House.


Please contact Ancilla for details at the above e-mail address.

She is the President of Club St. Vincent, in New York.


I have attached the article about my appearance at the independence celebration in Pennsylvania requested by some of you.


Enjoy pata-pata and let the memories flow, thanks Grace.


Love & blessings.

Cheryl, Baldwin & fam.


"Introduction to Chemistry and the Environment" by Baldwin King (2002) "Michael Manley & Democratic Socialism : Political Leadership and Ideology in Jamaica" by Cheryl L. A. King (2003) "Search for Identity : Essays on St. Vincent & the Grenadines" edited by:

Baldwin King, Kenneth John & Cheryl L. A. King (2006) "Quest for Caribbean Unity :Beyond Colonialism" edited by:

Kenneth John, Baldwin King & Cheryl L. A. King (2006)  


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