21 January 2003
Hi Tony: I thought you might like to see this: (photo circa 1934)
Back Row L-R Ken Punnett, Arthur Spence, Leslie Spence, Bill Otway, Roy Davis
Front Row L-R Ernest Punnett, Elson Weeks, Larret Sales, Hugh McConnie
Ken Punnett and Roy Davis died recently. Hugh McConnie died several years ago.
Leslie Spence
4th April 2004
Dear Tony
It has been ages since I have been in touch with you. I promised to let you have a picture of the Sea Scouts in St Vincent and I have finally got around to buying a scanner. Today I have been learning how to use it. Douglas Grant (my husband) thinks this was taken when he was aged 12 which would make it a picture from 1931. The people shown are as
Bill Otway (whom Douglas doesn't think was a sea scout); Douglas Grant; John Dobson (who was the scout leader); Conrad Lindley (at the back); Roy Davis (front); Noel Agard and Ken Punnett. I do hope this will be of interest to all those who visit your web-site and Douglas would love to hear from any relatives of those shown. Kind regards, Hilary Blumer (now Grant but continuing to use my own name here in the
Sea Scouts: Doug tells me that the sea scouts had a row boat, they went sailing, spent a lot of time in or near the water, camping, tried to honour the scout law (trusty, loyal, helpful, brotherly, courteous, kind, obedient, smiling, thrifty and pure as the rustling wind). We don't know if there is such an outfit today, but no doubt we could make enquiries on our next trip. Perhaps visitors to your website would know? All the best, Hilary