Photo supplied by Darnley Dublin of Montreal
And wait until you hear how he got this photo of the Kingstown Male Voice Choir:
In Darnley's own words:
"Years ago the late 'Lord Hawk' (one of our famous calypsonians) found this photo in the backyard of Kerwyn Morris' grandfather's Mr.Robert M.Anderson) home on Higginson St. (better known as Devil St). I believe the premises had been more or less abandoned and derelict at the time, and a virtual thoroughfare. It was sad to see one of Kingstown's grand mansions reduced to such a state. Fortunately, 'Hawk' took the photo to my father, so that is how it ended up in my hands. I hope you will be able to use it on you site.
Darnley. "
Boy this is exciting! Somebody's Father or Grandfather or great Grandfather might be in this picture that was almost lost. Let us take a wild stab: Could that be a Mr Lewis in white, in front with a baton in his hands?
I know there are people who view this site with parents that might recognize some of these folks. So the challenge is on to see if we can make some identifications. Those 'cross-breast" jackets may give us an indication of when this picture might have been taken. I am placing a 'SENDME A MESSAGE' button on this page to make it easier for you to send me info.
20 November 2000 "Bertram A. John" wrote:
I agree that that's Mr. W.H Lewis in front with the baton in hand... also, at the extreme right in the back is, I believe, Ben Prescod; 2nd row (first row standing) extreme right looks like H.H Williams (Harvey's dad) and third from left same row is, I think, the late F.E Williams, H.H's brother.
Thanks Bert for this input and when you mention Lewis and Prescod we are talking about real musical talent (not that they were the only ones with musical talent).
26 November 2000 Clifford Edwards wrote:
The picture of the Kingstown Male Glee Choir is very interesting especially as I am involved in The Kingstown Choral. I recognise Weston Lewis, Henry & Frank Williams, John Laborde, O'Neil (Biscuit) Mc Intosh, Barney Jacobs & Ben Prescod. I am taking the picture to Pat Prescod this morning who between himself and sister will come up with most of the names if not I will get the remainder from Henry Williams and send to you for posting.
26 November 2000 Clare Keizer wrote:
Hi Tony,
Mummy says she knows some more of the names of the men in the Kingstown Glee
Choir. So we will post an email there as soon as she double checks some of
the names she has been giving me.
27 November 2000 Cheryl King wrote
In the picture with the Kingstown Glee Club I think that the first person to the right in the third row-- standing in front of Ben Prescod is the late Barney Jacobs father of Kenlyn, Richard & Larry.
16 November 2003
HI Tony,
Winty here. Thanks for the photo of the Kingstown Choir. The Number one guy to the left is my dad Theo Roberts. He was always in these choirs and I remember this choir well.
The name of the group was THE ST. VINCENT MALE VOICE CHOIR
Left to Right
1. Johnny Alves or Mr. Theo Roberts
2. Robbie Samuel or Eardly Allen or Gaston Blair or Fitz Scott.
3. Cooper Jacobs
4. Weston Lewis
5. Darnley Dublin
6. Fred Phillips
Standing 1st Row
1. Omar Garraway
2. Jules Cox
3. Frank Williams
4. Basil Dasent
5. Montgomery Daisley
Standing 2nd Row
1. Leon Layne
2. O'Neil (Buiscuit) Mc Intosh
3. Loraine LLewelyn
4. Ernest La Borde
5. Marcus Mc Dowall
6. Stanley Iton
7. Henry Williams
Standing 3rd Row
1. John La Borde
2. Arthur (Tom) Mc Intosh
3. Edward Beckles
4. Hugh Hamlet
5. George Glasgow
6. Barney Jacobs
Standing 4th Row
1. Elwin Iton
2. Molton Williams
3. Maurice Matthews
4. Ben Prescod