Thanks to Anthony Nanton and Paula Cox for getting this really old picture to me - one that was almost destroyed in a fire. It was taken by J. Cyril Wilson, one of the early Vincentian (?) photographers, well known for his scenic photos, including some of the volcanic eruption of 1902.  He lived in Kingstown near the Forester's Court and emigrated to the USA with his family about 1915-1920. Does anyone know more about this photographer or have any other pictures that he took??

See info below the picture.
On a Picnic at Paul Over, St. Vincent, circa 1900
Fascinating! a peak at life almost one hundred years ago. I wonder what took place on a picnic like that especially as everyone is so well dressed. I have spotted a couple musicians at the back so there must have been singing and with a fully bearded Anglican priest (back left) it might have been religious music. I can't imagine that there was cricket or soccer in those clothes but the food must have been good. Could the very well dressed lady between 5 and 9 been single?  Could the young fellow with his arm on number 8 be family to number 8? So many possibilities!
1. Arabella Nanton nee Brown 1846-1946 (2, 3, 4 & 5 are her children)
2. Maurice Nanton
3. Adeline Nanton (Addy)
4. David Nanton
5. Amy Nanton
6. Jane Anne Brown (Arabella's sister)
7. Mother of the Connels (Tracey, Robert, Eileen Woodroffe, Carol and Stella Cameron)
8. Father of number 7
9. Crichton
10. Annie Shervington
11. Brownie Arrundel
12 Anglican Priest

How likely that anyone today can identify other people in this picture taken a century ago? I am not hopeful but if you can, please drop me a line

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The Biddy family of Montrose, St.Vincent. My thanks to Marcos Reilly who supplied me with this family picture which is over 101 years old. Marcos also supplied other pictures of ST.Vincent of a similar vintage - see page 77

This one was taken in Montrose, now Old Montrose, in 1899, probably outside of Montrose House.   Left to Right, front row (for sure) Frances Hill, later Biddy.  Benjamin K. Biddy, Edward K. Biddy, Jessie (Hill) Biddy. Back (probably) Favorita Rose (BK Biddy's mother), William Henry Beach, Alice Biddy.  MR.
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If you have any info about the Biddy family or their relatives, M. Reilly would appreciate hearing from you by clicking on the button below
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19 November 2006
My name is Rosanne Small-Morgan, daughter of Lorna (Allen) Small.  My mother and I were looking at the picture of the Picnic Circa 1900 and we think that the Anglican Priest could possibly be the Great-grandfather of Tracey Connell.  My mother is going to investigate a little further and try to see what we come up with.  These pictures are fabulous!  I have many pictures from my father the late Claude Small, he was an avid photographer in his day.  I will try to upload a few in the near future.

Rosanne Small-Morgan